In the beginning, there was no art. There was God and the nature He built and all of the beauty that it, by being created by the source of all good, inherently holds. Nature was pretty because God is.
I grew up going to the Gulf of Mexico, seeing blue-green water and sugar sands, however, I recently visited the Rocky Mountains. It sounds cliche, but I was immediately struck, and am still struck by their beauty. "Of course, Ben! Get with it, that's why people spend millions on vacations to go there!" But the advantage of seeing the mountains at an older age is that I got to understand how similar they are with the ocean. Why do people spend collective billions on a chance to just sit and stare at the geological anomalies? I would put forward it is because they are rich, multilayered pieces of art both visually and conceptually. They are captivating, having the same characteristics as the One who created them.
If only looking at their outward appearances, they are utterly opposite. The ocean is flat and the mountains are tall. They occupy either extreme. On the shore, an ocean is flat as far as you can see; motionless up to the curve of the horizon. Yet it is constantly gurgling and crashing and circulating without end. The ocean rests perfectly where our vision naturally settles, while asking us to enjoy our two-eyed, widescreen format while gazing. On the other hand, the mountains seem erratic, vertically jumping and spiking as evidence to the massive amounts of energy released in order to create them. Yet they are hauntingly still. You hear nothing; there is just vast grey weight shooting sunward so that you see the ground when you look up.
All that is before you even stop to think about what mountains and oceans do. Like the Lord, both could kill you without mercy and without notice. If you get lost in them, you could never be found. Their movements shape the face of the planet. But, again with an opposite, they are brimming with life. They are, in fact, the reason there is still natural life on Earth. They are swift in power, yet overflowing with life and beauty.
These earthly structures show that opposites create captivation, and that these are characteristics of our Lord. We draw near to these works, but with utmost fear and care. Like our own art, the creations draw attention to the one who made them.